
Volition’s Spring 2025 submissions are now Open! The deadline for submissions is March 7th! 

We accept Fiction, Non-fiction, Short Stories, Plays, Scripts, Poetry, Art, and Photography


General Requirements and Guidelines

  • Please keep all written pieces under 1,250 words.
  • We will only accept 5 Poetry/Prose submissions and Art/Photography submissions per person.
  • Be sure to include a title for every piece/file submitted. Think of your pieces as your children; we hope you would want to give them interesting and enticing names.  Titles also act as an advertisement for your work in the table of contents, and we do not want to have multiple pieces listed as “Untitled x”.
  • Please include your full name.
  • For art and photography, keep in mind that most of our magazine is in black and white. Although we have some color pages, we are always in need of art and photos which are either black and white or will translate well into black and white.
  • ONLY submit poetry or prose in PDF files!
  • If you submit multiple pieces, let us know if they are meant to be a series.

Submission Periods

Fall Semester: September 8th through October 16th
Spring Semester: January 31st through March 7rd

What to Expect After Submitting

You will be notified if your piece has been selected to be in our journal within one month after the deadline for the submission period.

Prose pieces may be considered for print in excerpt form in our journal due to space limitations. All pieces may be considered for publication on our website.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask!


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